Files & Links
Files and Links
Alton Freshmen Survival Guide
Welcome to Alton High School and we are very excited to have you become a part of our athletic programs. The Alton Freshmen Survival Guide has tons of information to help answer your questions as well as provide information concerning the athletic programs we offer.
Download PDFIHSA Physical Form
This is the physical form that the Alton High School Athletic Department requires all student-athletes to have on file before participating in any activity at AHS.
Download PDFIllinois State Physical Form
This form must be used for ALL FRESHMEN. ACUSD # 11 will only accept this physical form for all incoming freshmen. This will also be acceptable by the AHS Athletic Dept.
Download PDFACUSD #11 Board Policy 7.2 on Bullying & Hazing
ACUSD # 11 strictly forbids any type of activity that harass, intimidate, or bully an individual in any fashion or format. Strict punishment will be the result if found true after an investigation by the ACUSD # 11 administration.
Download PDFAHS Dual Sport Participation Policy
This must be filled out and signed by both coaches involved and placed on file in the AHS Athletic Director's office. A primary sport must be identified. This should be filled out each year by the student-athlete.
Download PDFIHSA Extreme Heat Policy
This is the severe weather policy that AHS will follow and the AT will monitor at all times and make recommendations for an action plan.
Download PDFStudent-Athlete Bus Permission Slip
Please print and fill out and have AHS Athletic Director sign form to approve request. A copy than will need to be given to coach.
Download PDFLinks.
NAIA Clearinghouse
All student-athletes interested in playing sports at the NAIA level should register with the NAIA Clearinghouse.
Visit websiteUnderage Drinking
Did you know that 70% of teens have admitted to trying alcohol before the age of 18. As you know, alcohol affects physical, mental, academic, and social factors for all, but even more so for teens. Here is a guide about underage drinking and included information about that as well as the dangers of it, how to talk to teens about drinking, and other ways we can all ensure safety.
Visit website(NCAA) Your Path to the Student-Athlete experience (students)
This link for the power point is extremely helpful in explaining the process you will go through to become a NCAA student-athlete.
Visit websiteNCAA Clearinghouse
All student-athletes interested in playing sports at the NCAA level should register with the NCAA Clearinghouse.
Visit website