Varsity B & G Cross Country 2024-2025
Game Summaries & Headlines.

CoEd Varsity Cross Country vs. Multiple Opponents
4.0 years ago @ 9:29AM
- Game Date
- Sep 23, 2020
Trey Peterson won in 15:25.96 to lead a 1-2-3 finish for Collinsville, which scored 23 points to beat Alton (46), Granite City (51) and Marquette (120).
Forty boys ran in the race, with the Kahoks’ Azel Muniz (16:12.77) and Theo Paxton (16:26.25), and Granite’s Thomas Westbrook (16:29.59) and Aaron McKeal (16:43.55) rounding out the top five.
“You have to be happy that we’re just getting to compete,” Alton coach Vernon Curvey said. “We could just be jogging around by ourselves instead of getting competitions in. The season’s changed a lot.”
lton packed five runners in the top 12, with Dylan Forsythe (16:45) and Christian Kotzamanis (16:46) in sixth and seventh. Victor Humphrey (16:59), Simon McClaine (17:08) and River Wrishnik (17:15) ran 10-11-12 for the Redbirds.
Marquette was led by Parker Macias (19:07) in 26th and Ryan DeClue (20:37) in 32nd.
Final Results:
The host Redbirds were led by a fifth-place run from sophomore Alayna Rabozzi in 20:33.14. Sophia Paschal (21:03.57) was eighth, with Maya Grassel (11th in 22:49) and Eva Schwaab (15th in 23:22) also in the top 15 for Alton
Final Results: